Online Induction >> Induction Training Videos

Safety Induction & Online Safety Training Videos

We're building a giant library of induction videos and safety training videos that organisations can plug directly into their safety inductions to improve workplace safety on site. These animated induction videos are great for refresher training on important workplace safety topics and HR policies and procedures for ensuring new staff, contractors or even visitors are aware of before they arrive on site, begin their job task or activity or start their first day on the job.

Add the video library to your training
Pick and choose which ones you want! Register for the trial or add the video library to your training - Start here:

Induction Video Library

Bullying and Harassment

Fatigue Management

Manual Handling

Confined Spaces

Drugs and Alcohol

Hazard Awareness and Reporting

Equal Opportunity

Code of Conduct

Anti Discrimination

Inappropriate Behavour



Illness transmission reduction

Mental Wellness

Sexual Discrimination

Embed Videos, Start Inducting

Ready to go videos across common safety and compliance topics
Start inducting today
Embed into existing content
Use interactive assessments
Options to create your own videos
Mobile training on tablets and phones
Issue a certificate at the end

Popular Video Topics to include in your induction

In today's world it's never been more important to ensure your workforce understands safety in the workplace. The most popular induction video topics are always safety themed. But safety doesn't always mean prevent an injury, it also relates to mental safety and mental health and includes areas such as bullying and harassment, anti discrimination and conduct in the workplace. Popular induction safety videos include manual handling, confined spaces and how to report an incident or hazard.

Safety Induction Videos make great engaging induction experiences

Text and pictures just isn't the same as a voice, animations and being explained content in an engaging and interactive way. The attention span of your workforce is much more attentive to this style of engagement.

Plug in our induction video library

See how our safety training videos can work for your organisation by looking at the online demo via the form above or get started right here. Embed the videos into existing content!

Online Demo
Click here to view our Privacy Policy which tells you how we process your personal data.
  • See how it all works from the above online form!
  • View a demo online induction system, webinars to see examples or personalised demo with our team
  • Easy to setup and create inductions for contractors, employees, suppliers and visitors
We'll also send you a login and details for our iPhone app!
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Safety Training Videos