Online Induction >> Permit to Work Software >> Hot Work Permit
Published 01/06/2024

Hot Work Permit Template

A hot work permit is required for temporary job tasks that involve open flames or producing heat and / or sparks. A hot work permit is a critical safety measure designed to mitigate the risks associated with tasks such as welding, cutting, and brazing. By obtaining a hot work permit, companies are able to ensure that proper precautions are taken to prevent fires and explosions in areas where flammable materials may be present. The process typically involves a thorough assessment of the work area, implementation of fire prevention measures, and the assignment of trained personnel to oversee and execute the task at hand. Understanding the importance of hot work permits is essential for maintaining a safe working environment and preventing potential hazards in industrial settings.

Examples might include: Brazing, Soldering, Grinding, Torch Applied Roofing or Welding


With a hot work permit, you might assess the following:

- condition and status of water hoses and fire extinguishers available
- condition and status fo hot work equipment
- elimination of environmental conditions that could be a hazard (i.e. explosive atmosphere)
- provision of fire watch
- condition and status of surface areas
- access ways assessment

- combustible floors been wet down, covered with damp sand or covered with fire resistant sheets?

These are just a few or many areas you might include in a hot work permit form. Additionally you need to capture the contractors details who is completing the work and have a proper permit to work system process for approval and notification workflows.

QR Code Hot Work Permit to Work Template

Try scanning this QR code for an example Hot Work Permit to Work form

Example Hot Work Permit to Work Form Fields

- Description of Work
- Special Precautions
- Hot Works Precautions
- Have fire alarms and thermalsmoke detectors been isolated
- Are flammable and combustibles removed or protected
- Are available sprinklers hose streams and extinguishers in serviceoperable
- Is floor swept clean and wet down where necessary
- Is appropriate shielding in place
- Is ventilation adequate
- Is fire watch required
- Is fire panel isolated
- Are combustible liquid vapour gasses removed or protected
- Are combustible floors protected
- Are flammable liquids dust lint removed or protected
- Is explosive atmosphere in area eliminated

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Try setting up an online permit to work management system to issue and manage hot work permits:

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Common Permit to Work Forms

Hot Work Permit

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