Online Induction >> Contractor Induction
Published 02/01/2024
Contractor Induction
Best Guide, Tips and Setup for 2025
A contractor induction is a critical safety element for new contractors working at your organisation and for ongoing compliance of contractors, subcontractors and contracting companies. All contractors should be inducted before they start working on their job task or activity and typically, before they even step foot on site.
Contractor Inductions may conducted for sole traders, head contractors and their subcontractors as part of being engaged to work on a project, respond to a work order or as part of ongoing contracting to a workplace. It involves
collecting information, completing a
completing a contractor induction presentation and a
safety induction.
Contractors might go through a series of different inductions ranging from site, project or role specific inductions and progressing through important topics around hazards on site, safe work procedures, policies, site access and everything else they need to know in order to be job ready. The contractor induction may be preceeded by a contractor
prequalification process.
A contractor induction forms part of an overall
contractor management system and is a crucial process for contractors to undergo before they arrive on site and start performing their job task or activity. It's also important that contractors remain up to date with ongoing re-inductions.
View Templates, Forms and Examples
What is a contractor induction and what is the best way to induct all contractors on site?
contractor induction is a multi step process involving collecting required information from your contractors to ensure compliance for working on site, presenting important
safety, site speecific and workplace introduction information to them, assessing competency and getting acknowledgement on important check lists, forms, policies and procedures with an induction card issued at the end.
It's typically done online or with a
contractor induction handbook.
Try creating a contractor induction or look at existing contractor induction structures and templates right here:
Create a Contractor Induction
Library of ready to go Contractor Induction slides and forms

Using contractor induction software to manage contractors and subcontractors, their inductions, induction cards and overall compliance makes it much more transparent, easier to conduct operations with confidence, ensures ongoing compliance of contractors and ensures that any gaps with certifications, licenses, training, acknowledgement and awareness of important safety procedures are all streamlined, automated and visual for site managers in real-time.
Managing many different contractors and subcontractors can be hard, there are many different materials to capture and manage and ensure contractors are compliant on. There are many different contractor role types which each have different workplace risks and so it can be challenging for organisations to classify contractors by role and risk level and ensure they are meeting the compliance specific to their risk level.
It can also be difficult to understand the relationships between contractors such as who is subcontracting under a contractor. Card management can also be burdensome. Issuing and managing induction cards which may have different status and classifications, represent different inductions completed and more can be extremely time consuming and challenging especially if dealing with thousands of contractors.
It these sorts of challenges that contractor induction software can help streamline and solve with an engaging, systemised approach that creates a truly engaging and high impact induction experience as well as managing certifications and licenses, compliance reminders, re-inductions through to issuing induction cards.
Contractor Induction Workflows
Setup custom contractor induction workflows to cover each area from insurance and certificate management through to compliance, inductions and training and induction cards.
Contractor Induction Courses
Here are our top contractor induction related courses you can complete online:
Contractor Handbook
Contractor Safety Awareness
A contractor induction all starts with what you need to collect from your contractors and the companies they work for.
Insurances, licenses, certifications, evidence of training, right to work in the country, emergency contact details, payment details - everything you need to capture from them before they start working on site and performing their job, task or role.
- Workers Comp Insurance details
- Public Liability Insurance
- Professional Indemnity Insurance
- evidence of training and contractor tickets
Schedule automatic reminders for when these materials expire so that the contractors are prompted to supply these materials to you on an ongoing basis as the expiry dates near.
Contractor Compliance Passport
Issue all contractors with a contractor compliance passport which when scanned, brings up their full profile of licenses, certifications, insurances and overall training and compliance status. A quick and easy way to track and enable contractors to demonstrate their compliance.
Contractor Induction Presentation
In a contractor induction you want to present a series of topics that cover safety on site, an introduction to the workplace, import policies and procedures and site specific materials.
Topics on quality, environment, Contractor Obligations, Duty of Care, Electrical Safety, Hazardous Chemicals, Alcohol and Drugs, Permit to Work, PPE and Safety Commitment are just a few of the important workplace topics to discuss in your contractor induction.
The contractor induction presentation might cover everything around safe work procedures and it might also cover everything they need to know aboiut working at the site or workplace they are engaged for.
- safe work procedures around their specific job task activity such as electrical procedures, maintenance procedures, clearning or other similar safe work procedures for contractors on site.
- site knowledge such as the induction to site access details, management, materials, hazards and emergency procedures for contractors working on site
Best Contractor Induction Slides
Create a Contractor Induction Card using our templates and card maker
See some tips on Building Safety Inductions
View Induction Presentation Templates or Create One
Example Contractor Induction
Check out this example contractor induction which covers all the common safety topics and themes you might present in your contractor induction. It's delivered online and has various templates to draw from for customising into your uniqu workplace requirements for contractors.
- common topics to include in a safety induction
- templates that you can change online
- deliver contractor inductions easily online
- create your own using our templates or premade packages
Example Contractor Induction
Try scanning the below QR code for a sample contractor induction. This one could also be linked to a sign in / sign out process too for tracking who contractors are currently on site right now. If not inducted, they'll have to do the contractor induction as part of the sign in process.
View a Full Contractor Induction
Online Contractor Safety Induction
One of the most important elements of a contractor induction is the contractor safety induction. This is where you present important safety policies and procedures, site hazards to be aware of, how to report an incident, a new hazard or safety observation, local emergency services contacts and other important safety information that is needed for a contractor to work on site.
See the top slides in a safety induction presentation from our community.
Contractor Competency, Acknowledgement & Sign off
Acknowledgement of important policies and procedures
Interactive check lists
Assessments to test competency
Work Flow functionality
Digintial sign off
Contractor Induction Checklist
Try creating your own online contractor induction checklist using our checklist maker!. A checklist is a great way to ensure contractors have read and understood important policies, procedures around safety and site risks and hazards before they start their job task or activity.
Contractor checklists can be role specific or site specific (i.e. high risk job tasks might have a more extensive contractor induction checklist versus a lower risk worker.
Contractor Management and Prequalification Process

Contractor / Supplier Registration

Ongoing compliance and reminder verification

Contractor / Supplier Verification

Pre-qualification + Required Documents (collect insurances, certifications and more)

Compliance spotcheck as they arrive on site / sign in & out tracking

Individual induction
Set up an online contractor induction where you can do all the above plus:
Contractor Online Induction
Contractor compliance control
Site specific inductions as well as organisation wide inductions
Property / Building Induction Software
Online tests with scoring
Load all your own material and manage for your self
Document management portal
Online Hazard Registry
Facility induction cards for contractors
Ensure that all suppliers / contractors undertaking physical work know your safety requirements and are inducted and prequalified.
Ensure that suppliers / contractors are safe while working on sites and that your customers, visitors and staff are also kept safe.
Provide one standardised induction to enable all suppliers and contractors to access all sites rather than have to complete many brand specific inductions.
Try creating a contractor induction for your organisation
See how our contractor induction system can work for your organisation by looking at the online demo via the form above or - Contact Us
Preview ready to go induction or create one from scratch
Post Engagement Contractor Management
Once your contractors go through the contractor induction, it's important to have post engagement procedures in place to manage and review the contractors performance.
This might involve a performance review of the contractors job task or activity, a review of their overall safety profile and history, how many incidents have they been involved with and how many are outstanding or were serious, a review of their training and is it up to date and a registry of feedback from customers, project or contract managers about the contractor in order to paint a full picture about giving the contractor a performance score and rate their post engagement activities.
Should they remain a preferred and approved contractor?
- Examine how well they performed on the areas they were inducted on
- Did they follow the procedures correctly from the contractor induction?
- Are they up to date with their competencies and training or certifications from the induction?
You might also include a contractor survey at the end of your induction or contractor management process.
Looking to complete a contractor induction?
Search for the contractor induction you need to complete right here: