Online Induction >> Safety Induction >> Safety Presentation PowerPoint
Published 12/09/2021

List of free to use PowerPoint slides as a template for your Safety Induction

As part of a good safety induction, it is important to make sure you cover important policies and procedures to ensure workers (contractors, employees and visitors) will work safely on site and are aware of the important risks and hazards that may affect their job task or activity. Below is a list of the common topics you might include in your safety induction presentation.

The best safety induction presentation slides we think you'll need

Safety Presentation Perfect for safety professionals to use for a safety induction powerpoint, presentation, conducting a whs powerpoint presentation, general safety presentations or induction presentations.

A walk through on what to put in your safety induction presentation slide by slide. The common slides from our template to use and base your own presentation off.


First Aid Kit

Site Access


Chemical Management

Emergency Services

Communications available on site

Flora, Fauna and Heritage

Site Hazards

Emergency access

Incident Reporting procedures

Confined spaces

Let's get started:

Slide 1: Introduction to your Site and Organisation

Where are people working? Lets introduce them properly to their workplace. What is the organisation, say something about it, the purpose, the missing and most importantly the site itself. Where are they entering as a workplace, the location, the site access and layout. Fill out these areas specific to your organisation and site and add in a picture of the location too.

Slide 2: Where is the first aid kit?

Where are the first aid kits on site? how do you access them? anything else a worker needs to know here? Is there afirst aid post? a nurse station? local doctors numbers and hospitals? Include a picture if you can

Slide 3: Emergency Services

Is there a first aid post? a nurse station? local doctors numbers and hospitals? show maps and contact details

Slide 4: Communications available on site

What communications are available on site? phones, radios? dead spots to be aware of? how to report a dead spot hazard? who to alert in the event of an emergency or incident? Make this as site specific as possible

Slide 5: Asbestos

Is there Asbestos on site to be aware of?

Slide 6: Incident Reporting procedures

In the event of an incident, how do you report it? Is there an app? do you complete a paper based form or online form? how do you access this especially if your from outside of the organisation such as a visitor or contractor and don't have access to internal systems. How can everyone report an incident in their own words and have record of it, not just verbally informing someone? Document everything here.

Slide 7: Hazard Reporting procedures

How do you report hazards that are encountered in the organisation or work site? taking a photo, describing the hazard and even ensuring it has been controlled to prevent an incident. What process to follow, how is it reported, is there an app or other hazard reporting tool?

Slide 8: Confined spaces

Are there any confined space areas to be aware of and what processes need to be followed when accessing or working in those areas? risks and hazards to be aware of?

Slide 9: Flora, Fauna and Heritage

Here you should describe any relevant information concerning Flora, Fauna and Heritage on site

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