Online Induction >> Safety Induction >> 13 Must Have Safety Induction Slides for your Presentation

Published 17/04/2021

13 Must Have Safety Induction Slides for your Presentation

These are the 13 must have slides for your Safety Induction Presentation. For any type of safety induction from construction to mining, here's the 13 best topics we think will enhance and make an effective safety induction presentation.


Where is the location of the site or workplace, how to get there, how to leave.

Site Access

What are the correct site access procedures.

First Aid Kit

Where is the first aid kit on site, how many and how to access them

Emergency Services

Emergency services details for local contacts and services


Is the site Asbestos free or location of Asbestos areas and hazards

Chemical Management

What are the Chemical Management procedures you need to be aware of

Confined Spaces

Are there any confined space areas and what procedures are in place and need to be followed when working there

Communications available on site

What communications are on site and what procedures are to be followed for using them and access

Environmental concerns to be aware of

Any environmental concerns to be aware of

Flora, Fauna and Heritage

Any Flora, Fauna and Heritage to be aware of and processes and procedures to follow when working in these areas

Emergency access or exit lighting

Details about emergency access and exit lighting on site

Site Hazards

A list of active site hazards to be aware of

Incident Reporting procedures

What to do for reporting a near miss, injury incident or safety observation

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13 Must Have Safety Induction Slides for your Presentation

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