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Compliance Training
5 topics to include in your Compliance Training
To meet your compliance requirements as a company, you must provide all employees with some important common topics. These are often covered in your initial Induction compliance training or as part of your ongoing training programmes.
Below I have identified what I consider to be the most important 5 topics to be included:
Company information and mission statement
This should an overview of the company, the ethos, values and expectations
Work Health and Safety
This is cover off on the fundamentals of Work Health and Safety in the workplace, covering such subjects like:
- Contractor obligations
- Smoking
- Vehicle use
- Manual Handling
- Working at heights
- Electrical Safety
- Hazardous Chemicals
- Permit to Work
Outlining your companies policies and obligations for both employee and employer:
- Bullying and Harassment
- Drugs and Alcohol
- Equal Employment Opportunity
- Environmental
- Code of Conduct
What are their requirements, the procedures and the expectations around safety reporting:
- Incident Reporting
- Hazard Reporting
Emergency Information
What are the requirements, the procedures and the expectations
- Site plans
- showing emergency exists
- Procedure for evacuation
- First Aid officers and stations
- What to do in case of fire
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