Online Induction >> Employee Offboarding System

Employee Offboarding System

When it's time to say goodbye and employees are exiting the business, its time to manage them correctly. Setting up an employee offboarding system can ensure appropriate employee exit procedures are implemented correctly, the right forms are actioned, notifications are send, policies have been followed and the employee is appropriately exited from the organisation.

Customise the employee offboarding process to your specific organisation workflows. You can even tailor it for different types of employees (managers, front line, casual, part time etc). A comprehensive offboarding process that is professional, consistent and valuable.

Employee offboarding check list
Forms completed and exit documents generated and sent
Policies followed
Exit pathway followed
Implement a legally compliant offboarding process
Exit Surveys
Demobilise staff
Implement procedures for revoking systems access, streamline de-provisioning and collect company assets
Can be done on an App or on the Web at a front desk kiost or Tablet device
Employee offboarding Process

One size doesn't fit all. We offer you a custom built portal for your unique offboarding requirements such as:

  • Design a Custom employee offboarding workflow
  • Sign Out based on your sites
  • Use our ready to go content
  • Load all your own material and manage for your self
  • Ensure all employees exiting the business have gone through the offboarding steps
  • Role specific offboarding

    See how our employee offboarding system can work for your organisation by looking at the online demo via the form above or - Contact Us

  • Online Demo
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    • See how it all works from the above online form!
    • Create a login to view a demo online induction system and even webinar options to see examples
    • Easy to setup and create inductions for contractors, employees, suppliers and visitors
    We'll also send you a login and details for our iPhone app!

    Find out more

    Employee Exit

    Employee Offboarding Checklist: Top Ten Steps

    Contractor Offboarding Process: When a supplier exits your business