Online Induction >> Employee Offboarding System

Managing the exit of an employee in your business

Whatever the reason might be that someone is leaving your organisation, appropriately offboarding them from your organisation is critical to ensuring they are exiting the business in the right way protecting both your organisation and enabling the exiting employee to part ways professionally, appropriately and consistently.

From the moment that an employee is leaving your organisation, the offboarding process should begin.
Think about the areas you need to protect in the organisation, transfer of knowledge between staff, IP issues, access to systems, emails, documents, remote computer access, equipment that belongs to the business, uniform, keys, swipe cards and contact lists are just a few key areas that you need to manage via an offboarding process.

Generate exit documents, notifications to relevant staff, department heads and even the IT department so that they can begin deprovising user logins.

Look at what the demobilisation process should look like for your organisation and what check list items you need to ensure are completed for demobilising someone completely from your organisation.

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Employee Exit

Employee Offboarding Checklist: Top Ten Steps

Contractor Offboarding Process: When a supplier exits your business