Online Induction >> Virtual Reality Training
Published 26/04/2021

Virtual Reality Training System: Workplace VR Courses

VR induction training has become one of the most engaging ways to prepare and train all types of staff for different workplace situations and industries. It typically involves staff using various VR hardware setups to experience a VR based workplace situation virtually in order to prepare them for the real thing. Common workplace VR topics range from safety in the workplace through to HR initiatives, virtual tours of the workplace and work environment and other virtual job ready preparations that help new staff members before they start their job role, task or activity.

View Example 360 Virtual Inductions

VR Inductions: Getting Started

Creating virtual inductions is a great way to bring workplace awareness around hazards, safety, workplace procedures, policies and ensuring that a new starter is fully prepared for their new role in the workplace. Transforming your workplace courses into virtual reality ones has never been easier.

Using modern technologies you can now create immersive content that is viewable on both web browsers and virtual reality devices such as the Samsung Gear VR headset, HTC Vive and more.

What kind of virtual learning content can you create?

360 Panoramics are the easiest virtual content to start with for enhancing your learning and training content. 360 videos are also easy to create and they enable users to look around and engage your video content while the video plays. The viewer can now feel like they are a part of the experience and explore it rather then just watching it.

Enhance existing content with immersive 360 views that your users can explore
Users can engage 360 videos and move around the experience
Create virtual workplace content and immersive workplace inductions
Easy to create and publish
Perfect for Samsung Gear VR, HTC Vive

Users don't have a virtual reality headset? no problems! play VR content on your we browser:

Using our exclusive players, your VR content can be played on both the web and viewed by VR headsets.

Setup a VR Induction

Sounds good? sign up via the form above and get your workplace virtual reality training started today:

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  • See how it all works from the above online form!
  • Create a login to view a demo online induction system and even webinar options to see examples
  • Easy to setup and create inductions for contractors, employees, suppliers and visitors
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More Information

VR Courses in the workplace

Ten virtual reality course ideas