Online Induction >> Contractor Performance Evaluation Template

Contractor Performance Evaluation Template

Using this form builder template, you can set up your contractor performance evaluation

Create your own contractor performance evaluation form. Measure contractor quality, safety record, the performance of their staff and other metrics using this form.

Contractor Performance Evaluation:

Measure their track record on safety
Measure their quality standards
Evaluate the contractors performance over the last 12 months
Evaluate if you wish to engage this contractor
Assess references
Rating system
Measure their quality record
Measure the performance of the contractors staff

Using our drag and drop form builder, you can create your own personalised forms

Register via the demo form above to set up a dedicated portal to manage your contractor performance evaluations and start creating your own personalised form. You'll also get access to our ready to go library of contractor evaluation templates.

Date of Evaluation Safety Performance Management and Standards Safety auditing and inspections
Positive and proactive Cooperation Prevent injuries Contractor risk assessments Responsive
Work documentation On time?

See how our contractor evaluation templates can work for your organisations needs by looking at the online demo

Online Demo
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  • Easy to setup and create inductions for contractors, employees, suppliers and visitors
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More Information

Contractor Prequalification

Contractor Evaluation Performance Template

Contractor Management

Why track contractor performance?

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