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Best practice Contractor Management template for managing contractors in the workplace

We have compiled a best practice template for contractor management. Here we've put together some of the best parts you should include in your contractor management process.


Its critical that contractors and cotractor companies are engaged properly. The initial forms they fill out ensure that companies are prequalified and verified as certified in order to be approved to have their workers on site.

Asking the right questions

Making sure that the forms doa proper risk profile and assessment on contracting companies. Have they had notifiable breaches? what is their LTI history like? Upload insurances, certifications, do they have safety systems in place, do they report incidents and hazards?

Inducting individual contractors

Make sure that all individual contractors have done a contractors induction to ensure they remain compliance compliant and understand what is expected of them on site

12 months on doing a safety review of the contractor

Once prequalified and inducted, are you reviewing them 12 months on? Shoudl the contracting compoany remain an approved and preferred contractor supplier?

Compliance spot checks

How do you cross check individual contractors and sub contractors against the compliance of their company? As they arrive on site, how do you do compliance spot checks?

Sole Traders

How do you deal with sole traders? Are they going through a contractor management process to ensure they have the proper compliance requirements, history and induction

Each of these areas forms what an overall contractor management process template should look like

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