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Tips for Creating your Employee Induction

Having worked as a trainer for many years and now working as a consultant for Work Metrics, specialising in our online induction software, here are some common questions in regard to contents: - What should be in an induction?
- How long should an induction be?
- How should it be structured?
So here are some tips to help you create a great induction:

What should be in an employee induction:

With an employee it will take on more of an onboarding aspect, so inductions are generally longer, anywhere from 4 to 9 steps, steps could include:
- Online form that will collect information from licenses, qualifications, certificates however can expand into Sale Tax Numbers, Superannuation information, etc.
- Welcome (i.e. video from the CEO) or slides giving the scope of the business and its ethos
- Policies
- Safety Induction
- Services
- Counselling, Gym, Payroll information etc
- Expectations
- Code of Conduct etc
- Checklists
- Questions

Ideally an induction should take about 30 to 60mins.

Steps usually include:
- Online form
- Safety Induction
- Policies
- Questions

- Any given steps should not be more than about 30 slides. The human brain will just turn off with more. If you have a lot of slides break them up into separate steps.

- Use bullet points and have type in a legible sized font.

- Slides with only just words will not stimulate the reader, try to incorporate pictures and videos where you can.

- Proof Read your content. Many presentations out there display poor English. Remember this is the gateway to your business. Take the time and get someone to read over it before you go live.

- Videos are great and can be embedded in to a Power Point or on their own, but remember a large video is only as good as the internet that it is being watch on, so keep in mind; your audience, the device they will be using and most important where they will be watching it.

- When designing your questions, do not get caught over using: 'all of the above'. It is the easiest way to guess your way through a questionnaire.

In conclusion, be; concise, clear and vary your presentation formats

Try creating a new employee induction pack or using one of our ready to go pack here.

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  • See how it all works from the above online form!
  • Create a login to view a demo online induction system and even webinar options to see examples
  • Easy to setup and create inductions for contractors, employees, suppliers and visitors
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