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Employee Induction Pack
- Best Tips, Design and Templates for 2024

Published 03/02/2024

An induction pack should be the first thing given to a new employee after their interview and subsequent job offer. It gives the new employee an introduction to their workplace, job role and ensures they understand and acknowledge important workplace policies and procedures. In todays world, its expected this be in an online format. Here's the common items to include in your online induction pack and templates and design tips for creating a staff induction pack. The induction pack is commonly part of an overall New Employee Induction and your induction program.

As part of an induction pack, commonly you include:
Deliver important new employee getting started materials
Acknowledgement of important workplace policies and procedures
Code of conduct
Workplace behaviour
Complaints process
Dismissal and probation procedures
Ensure setup of employee in HR system
Issue the induction pack in an online format
Employee acknowledges online
Induction Checklist

Delivering a staff induction pack online
Have you considered creating and issuing an online employee induction pack? try out this one:

Buy Ready to Go Package?

Common items to include in your Induction Pack

An employee induction pack can be a crucial component in establishing workplace culture, guiding team dynamics and standardizing communication. It helps to make sure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to company policies and expectations, while making sure employees understand their rights and responsibilities.

It's important to lay out your values as well as any mission statement or vision for your organization. This gives employees clarity about what you prioritize day-to-day operations wise. Beyond that, you'll want to define key roles within the workplace so everyone knows who does what tasks and how they all fit together to support each other's workflows. Additionally, itemize out benefits information like insurance coverage plans or provide contact details for HR whenever pertinent questions arise.

When setting up an induction pack, it's important to make sure it reflects your specific workplace, the role and covers important safety and HR materials and resources. This to include might be:

Site map
Org Chart
Organisation mission and values
Role introduction and job description
Office hours
Site access
Work uniform or office attire
Hair / presentation expectations
Phone policy
Company disclosure policy / taling with the press
Disability Support for Staff
Using social media
Using emails for personal use
How to report an incident
How to report a hazard
Safety observations
Complaint process
Training materials and first day

Check out our induction pack content library right here.

Try creating your own online induction pack using our online induction builder right here.

Of course an induction pack should reflect the specifics of your unique workplace and what kind of policies, procedures and workflows are important for your organisation. From setting culture through to preparing your new employee for their first day on the job, the induction pack helps induct them into your organisation.

Best Induction Pack Design Tips

Obviously it is not practicle to present a new employee with an encyclopaedia of material that they will never read. What was the point? you need to present everything in a meaningful format that the new employee will actually read and understand as well as digitally record acknowledgement that they did so.

Keep it short and simple. Create chapters on each topic that cover the high level important basics that they need to acknowledge and walk away with understanding in full.

Split up policies and procedures and make sure they are worded in a way that is meaningful and can be understood. Someone might see the word Social Media Policy and assume they already know what it means based on their last work place but the meaning may be very different (i.e. no social media allowed versus a previous workplace where it was). Make sure to present the meaning in clear ways that can be easily understood. An online format helps with this.

Keep it updated. Don't write it once and leave it, as your organisation changes, so should your induction pack. Contacts change and move departments, policies change and evolve, workplaces change. When using an online induction pack, its much more easy to implement and update changes. The induction pack should grow as your organisation grows.

Communicate to team members before the new starter begins their job to ensure everyone knows who is starting, in what role and who they report to. Give them a welcome, background and proper team introduction.

Induction Pack Forms

Get the paperwork out of the way by putting it online. All HR and payroll forms can be completed or accessed online, centralised in one place for the new employee to access, download, sign and provide to you, before they start their first day at work.

Check out our induction pack forms and templates right here:

Staff Induction Pack for Different Staff Role Types

It's important to make sure the induction pack for new staff is custom to the actual role type that the staff member belongs to. Are they in IT, Safety, HR, Facilities Management, Finance, Support, Customer Service, are they a part time staff member, a full time staff member? Curating the induction pack to their specific role type and the policies and procedures that relate to their role and department is important to ensure they are onboarded into that role correctly and are job ready.

Induction Pack Templates

We've got all the induction pack templates you need in order to hit the ground running with a fast and quality induction pack specific to your workplace or industry. The best part is that you can tweak or update your induction pack to be as customised and specific to your organisation as you like!

Auto industry

Animal Care

Facility Maintenance







Health Care






Metal Fabrication


Pest Control







Create an Online Induction Pack

Try creating a new employee induction pack or using one of our ready to go pack here

Online Demo

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