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Published 12/09/2021

Staff Induction Policy

An induction policy is a process used to welcome new employees and prepare them for their new roles. It helps in the integration of employees into the organization. An induction policy does not work only for new hires but also when roles are interchanged. An induction policy ensures that all employees benefit from a properly structured induction policy that will help them integrate into their role in the organization conveniently and effectively.

Upon every new hire, the hiring team and training managers oversee the induction process and ensure new hires do not suffer from harassment. An induction policy ensures that there is a standard protocol of induction across all departments. The target audience for induction policy are; new hires, interchanged employees, hiring team, and training managers. A staff induction policy might be part of your new employee induction manual, New Employee Induction, Induction Program and consist of an Induction Checklist.

What does a staff induction policy entail?

- Introduction

It is the mandate of the hiring and training team to ensure that new hires are taken through the company's internal and external environments. When new hires familiarize themselves with the environment, it is easy to grasp their roles and adapt to the working environment quickly.

- Purpose of the policy

The core reason behind the induction policy is to provide a conducive working environment, free new hires from anxiety, and motivate them. Induction policy defines benefits the employees will get from the organization, well-being, future goals, and expectations. The policy describes the key people within the organization who will support the induction of new hires.

- Line managers key responsibilities

Line managers within the organization have vital roles, which include; ensuring induction policy is not too long for the new hires to spend a lot of time reading, regularly meet new staff at their respective areas of work to measure progress, informing existing staff that they should expect new hires, arrange meeting venues and ensuring everything is working.

- Senior Management team's key responsibilities

The senior Management team is overall in designing induction policy within the organization. They make sure resources are available for a smooth transition of duties, signing new hires, and informing senior employees to expect new hires. Senior Management is responsible for organizing benchmarking, field trips, and seminars for new hires.

- New staff key responsibilities

The new staff is at the core of the induction policy, and they participate more in designing it. They are responsible for working closely with line managers to meet the organization's goals. With the aid of line managers, new hires complete an induction checklist which acts as a guideline for self-dependence.

- Policy review

The Management ensures that the reviewed policies thrive in the year to make changes on confusing elements and add new clauses. The review is based on the feedback from the employer.

Five Core Things

1. Administration

The new hires need to be provided with legal documents for tax reduction and eligibility requirements as stated by the law. Also, they need to receive official garments, if any, and copies of employee handbooks.

2. Terms and conditions

New hires are required to be aware of the contract terms and the consequences of going against them. Within the first month of employment, the recruits are issued a written document stating the legal requirements. New hires should go through the manuscript with assistance from line managers.

3. Health and safety

It is a legal requirement for the employer to issue employees with health and safety procedures. New hires need to be informed of possible injuries and hazards within the workplace. Management is responsible for showing new hires self-protection garments, fire exit doors, fire extinguisher location, and electricity main switch.

4. Tour to the workplace

The new hires usually have no experience with the workplace, and the Management must take them through the departments, systems, and external environment. During induction, line managers assume the role of guiding new hires through the workplace.

5. Introduction to the job

For convenience, new hires are buddied with existing staff to show them how they carry out their daily routines. By buddying, new hires learn with ease and less tension, thus creating a relaxed work environment. The Management should explain how the duties to be assigned are related to the organization's mission, vision, and goals.

Staff induction policy within the organization is vital because new hires understand the company's culture, background, expectations, and goals. An induction policy should be implemented depending on the type of work, government directive, and competence of employees.

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