Online Induction >> Onboarding Program >> Onboarding Your Staff

Onboarding Program: Onboarding Your Staff

New Employee Onboarding Program

More and more time is being required for the onboarding process in today's world. It makes sense to try and put as much of the onboarding process into an online format. That's where can help - you can set up your own onboarding system quickly and customise it to the workflow you need for your organisation.

Create new employee courses
Create custom courses
Create assessments
Create site specific courses
Create user specific courses
Choose from our library of templates

Onboarding is an important part of your organisation, you need to get across important messages about the organisation's policies and procdures, safety, test the inductee on their knowledge and issue them a formal recognition of their completion. You can also set a reminder for the refresher onboarding course to take place (typically in 12 months time).

Setup up an Onboarding Program by filling out the form opposite and go through the following:

Upload your existing onboarding material to create your own onboarding courses.

Test the knowledge of inductees with an online assessment for each course.

Add check lists for different induction types.

Automatic reminders for refresher onboarding updates.

Add sound, text images, video and more to your induction training courses.

Try out our onboarding iPhone app! - Contact Us or fill out the online form above for more information

Online Demo
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  • See how it all works from the above online form!
  • Create a login to view a demo online induction system and even webinar options to see examples
  • Easy to setup and create inductions for contractors, employees, suppliers and visitors
We'll also send you a login and details for our iPhone app!

More Information

Onboarding Software

Onboarding Your Staff

What to look for in an Onboarding Program

Onboarding Process

Onboarding Problems

The Solution

Custom Onboarding

Onboarding Example

Onboarding Apps vs The Web

Frequently Asked Questions

Tips for Building an Onboarding Program

Guide to Contractor Onboarding

Contractor Onboarding Resources

Offboarding Checklist

Contractor Onboarding: Strategy and Setup Tips

9 things to include in your Onboarding Platform

Employee Onboarding

Onboarding Presentation