Apps vs The Web

Your Online Induction: Apps versus The Web as an Inductee

Apps The Web

Inductee doesn't have a computer?
No problems, they can do their induction in real time via the app

Real Time Access
Fast and instant access to what they need to know about working with your organisation. Real time quick access to the induction on site, on the way to site and when needed 24/7

Collect Basic Details
Using the app, scan a document to upload and collect some basic inductee information as part of the induction

Basic Induction Card via the App
Inductees can bring up their induction card on the app to present on site

Management Scanning of Induction Cards
Use the app as a management tool to scan induction cards to view for that real time compliance check

Real time alert feed
Straight to your inductees on their mobile, with alerts on new policies, safety announcements and more

Mobile devices the chosen medium
Mobile devices such as the iPhone are becoming the chosen medium for accessing the web. It's important to have your induction available via the app store in a mobile friendly format

Interactive content
Voice overs, engaging content, virtual tour and content interaction

Upload certificates
Have comprehensive online forms for the inductee to progress through collecting required documents, licenses, expiry dates and certifications with reminders on each item

Create new starter forms online
Transform paper based forms into online ones to collect al new starter information online

Comprehensive Assessments
Highly comprehensive assessments with a learning style approach where an inductee learns from their attempts

Comprehensive Check Lists
Highly interactive check lists to both ensure inductees tick off against your criteria as well as even listing matching documents such as policies and procedures as a document library.

Comprehensive Induction Card or Certificate
List out courses that were completed, training they have, expiry dates, their company name and much more. Can be in a card format or certificate designed the way you want it

Real time news feed
Make announcements on new materials published on your induction and engage inductees with their comments on any issues or topics

Coming Soon: Your Online Induction: Comparison of management options

Online Demo

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  • Easy to setup and create inductions for contractors, employees, suppliers and visitors
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