Online Induction >> School Sign In Management System: Signin App for Schools
Published 08/11/2021

School Sign In Management System
- Signin App for Schools

A school sign in system is a critical part of recording who is currently on the school grounds from contractors and visitors through to different staff types. This helps ensure that these visitors, contractors and staff are recorded for when they arrive on site and when they leave and it allows you to cross check they have acknowledged and understood important policies and procedures.

This might include going through an Online School Induction through to covering important safety procedures, emergency response plan, collecting next of kin details through to completing a health history prescreening form. For on going sign ins, a contractor or staff member might be issued a pass for scanning in and out daily versus a sticker for a visitor.

App based or Contactless Sign in for Schools

It's never been more important to setup contactless sign in options for signing in contractors, staff or visitors at schools. With COVID in particular, contactless sign in might take the form of a QR code poster to sign in and out staff and contractors arriving on site. They simply scan a QR code poster to sign in and again to sign out. Its quick and easy and enables staff and visitors to check in and out quickly without the need for any hardware.

Sometimes however its also important to setup a tablet style kiosk where a visitor or contractor walks up and signs in or scans their induction card as the metho to check in and out on site. With our Work Sign app, you can have a personised, branded kiosk sign in experience on a tablet for all visitors, consultants, contractors and staff to use to sign in and out.

Issue a Sign in Sticker or Card

As part of the sign in process, issue a sticker / card as part upon conclusion of the sign in and personalise the sign in sticker to your school

Sign in Visitors, Contractors and Staff

Specifically developed for schools, setup your own visitor sign in at your school reception with our complete portal and app. Includes a school visitor induction and visitor management.

Track who is currently on the school grounds right now, track contractors an even employees.
One of the most cost effective, comprehensive and innovative school sign in management systems online - see it for your self from the demo opposite!

Setup a wall mounted tablet for quick sign in at the school in reception and it can even be done direct from a mobile phone using the app.

Ensure that visitors have done a school induction before the arrive or allow them to complete it as they sign in. Ensure contractors are inducted before they start work on site and have completed the school safety orientation. Track the sign in and sign out times of visitors and streamline the entire process for returning visitors.

School Visitor Sign In Management System Features
Can be done on an App or on the Web at a front desk kiost or Tablet device
Print an Induction Card or Sticker at the end that can be used for arrival at the school and wearing around school grounds
Use mass visitor notification tools
Track your visitors and contractors time in and out at the school
Collect certifications, expiry dates and licenses
Send an SMS or notification to the person they are visiting that they have arrived
Optional Visitor or Contractor Online School Induction
Collect next of kin, emergency contact, medical information & more

  • School Visitor Sign In App
  • Something basic to track visitors as they sign in and out on
    at your school
  • Unlimited sign ins, pay monthly

  • Sign in Portal
  • Comprehensive sign in portal for contractor, employee and visitor management at your school
  • Unlimited sign ins, pay monthly

  • Premium
  • Highly customised to your schools workflow
  • System integration
  • Implement your custom requirements
  • Unlimited sign
    ins pay monthly

Ready to set up a school sign in system?

Online Demo
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  • See how it all works from the above online form!
  • Create a login to view a demo online induction system and even webinar options to see examples
  • Easy to setup and create inductions for contractors, employees, suppliers and visitors
We'll also send you a login and details for our iPhone app!

Find out more

View a process map

Capture Visitor Photos

Contractor Sign In System

Card, Certificate or Sticker

The Mobile and Tablet App

Best Site Signin App Tips

Visitor Evacuation List

School Sign In Management System


5 things to include in your visitor sign in system

Construction Site Sign In App

Visitor Management System

Free App

Signin Sheet

Contractor Tablet Sign In

Electronic Sign in System

Visitor Notification System

Geofence your site

Visitor Log Book


What is visitor management?

5 must have visitor management system features

Contractor Sign in Kiosk

Site Attendance App

Construction Site Attendance

Contractor ID Card Scanning

Reception Sign in System

Facial Recognition Scanners

Daily Signin Sheet

Contractor Site Access Control

QR Code Check in

Visitor Badge System

Visitor Pass Software