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How long does an induction last?

The answer to this will vary depending on the industry you work in, the amount of training required for the induction to be effective and the amount of change your workplace experiences.

A typical induction is done with all employees when they commence their employment with a company. An induction covers all of the information needed to help them get started. The information contained within however can expire or become outdated over time as your company expands or its focus changes according to differences in the work environment.

This can cause the information in your induction to become obsolete and so it must be continually refreshed both for new and existing employees. Safety inductions in particular are important to do on an annual basis due to the nature of the industry. Some modules/inductions can be completed every two years this however can leave potential vulnerability within your workforce. For example if people struggle to complete the induction due to matters outside their control such as illness, or changing departments within the company, it's possible they will get overlooked or forgotten. There is also the risk of relevant information changing significantly in the two years which can then leave potentially dangerous gaps in the knowledge of your employees. It is important therefore to assess the need to retrain each module regularly and decide on a suitable schedule to carry them out, to ensure your induction is always fresh for your employees.

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