Online Induction >> COVID-19-Preparing-Your-Workplace

Preparing your workplace for COVID-19

To ensure that your business is meeting its duty of care in relation to COVID-19 you must identify the risks at your workplace and try to eliminate, minimise or control those risks as much as reasonably practicable.

Maintain a safe work environment

 -Ensure social distancing adhered to (e.g. put up posters reminding people of physical distancing, put tape on the ground to show people how far they should stand apart)

- Ensure that people wash their hands before entering and exiting the workplace (alcohol gel or hand washing station)

- Limit who enters the workplace (limit visitors and customer access to only essential personnel)

Provide and maintain safe machinery, equipment and structures

- Ensure that frequently touched surfaces and equipment. (e.g. door handles, reception counter, telephones, EFTPOS machines, desks) are regularly cleaned and disinfected.

Provide safe ways of working

- Implement working form home arrangements if possible

- Hold fewer in-person meetings and switch to tele or video conferencing

- Erect safety barriers to keep customers at a safe distance from staff

- If safe to do so, prop open doors to allow natural ventilation

Provide and maintain adequate facilities

- If you are limiting number of people in crib room/lunch rooms then offer alternative space for people to maintain physical distancing (e.g. put chairs outside, eat at their desks)

- Increase the cleaning schedule of toilets and bathrooms

- Restock frequently used items (e.g. paper towels, hand wash)

- Ensure adequate stocks of items including PPE

Provide any information, training, instruction or supervision needed for safety

- Ensure workers know what COVID-19 signs and symptoms are and how to prevent transmission of the disease

- Keep workers updated on what is happening (use reliable sources of information such as State or Commonwealth Health Departments) and let them know what you as a business is doing too

- Ensure workers are trained in correct Hand Washing techniques

- Ensure workers are trained in good respiratory hygiene (cough and sneeze etiquette)

- Establish reporting guidelines to ensure any confirmed COVID-19 cases among your workers are reported to you and what steps you need to take

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