Employee Online Induction

Do you put all your new staff through an Online Induction process?

Regardless of the size of your business, it is important to have an online induction. Research showns that it increases staff retention and improves the speed at which employees are integrated into your business.

In an employee online induction, its a perfect opportunity to include:

  • The organisation's history, services and products as well your organisation vision, culture and core values
  • Work Health and Safety information
  • An orientation of the work /site premises
  • The organisation structure and how the employee fits into that structure
  • Organisational training courses
  • Any legal obligations
  • Job description, policies, procedures and organisation requirements

    Try out a demo using the form opposite and see how your organisation induction would look online

  • Online Demo

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    • Easy to setup and create inductions for contractors, employees, suppliers and visitors
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