Online Induction >> FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Can people be re-inducted as many times as they like?

Yes, there's no additional cost and inductees can do different induction types.

How many different types of induction can I have?

As many as you feel you need! There is no limit on the individual induction types. You can have content unique for contractors, employees, visitors, guests, truck drivers or any other type of inductee for your organisation.

Can I control my own content?

You can create, edit, and delete all your content as much as you need. Upload material, transform it into an online format and create your own reporting.

Can I link it from my Intranet or website for access by Contractors and Staff?

You sure can! It's as easy as setting up a hyperlink and it will be branded entirely to your organisation.

How many Inductee's can be inducted?

As many as you need!

What happens if the inductee does not have a computer?

They can do the induction from their mobile phone.

How do I deal with inductee's who don't speak English?

The Online Induction can be in any main language.

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  • Easy to setup and create inductions for contractors, employees, suppliers and visitors
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