Online Induction >> Create Your Own New Hire Online Application Form

Create Your Own New Hire Online Application Form!

What better way to start off the induction process then right from the very start of a new employees journey with your organisation.

Create your own custom online application form and collect the materials you need as part of the application process

If successful, the candidate begins the rest of the induction online

Create an entirely customised online application form and build an online database of candidates around the information your organisation needs to collect. Have an approval system in place for intiating the employment and online induction of the new employee into your organisation.

Link the form from your website for people to apply online as well as distributing the link to your job advertising networks. The first step of the induction right from the job application!

Try it out (free) and set up your induction below:

Your name:


Email to recieve link:

Your Company:

Upload a logo:

Upload induction presentation or content to be converted:

I want my content animated to CD
I want my content animated to DVD
I want my content animated Online
I want a professional voice over
I need someone to write content and take photos / videos on site

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  • View a demo online induction system, webinars to see examples or personalised demo with our team
  • Easy to setup and create inductions for contractors, employees, suppliers and visitors
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