Online Induction >> Performance Appraisal System
Published 30/04/2022

Performance Appraisal Template

What are the common features for a performance appraisal? Evaluating employee success is essential for measuring performance. The results for appraisal encourage improvement. Performance appraisal template is a document used by human resource managers and managers to track employees' achievements during a specified period. It indicates employees' strengths and weaknesses.

The template includes all areas of the employee qualifications, achievements, strengths, and weaknesses. A well-designed appraisal template facilitates benchmarking across teams to identify career development opportunities and weak areas that need improvement.

When carried out between the induction period and probation period, a performance appraisal is essential because employees' capability to assume responsibilities is known. Within the first three months, performance appraisal tells how the employees will develop skills as they continue interacting with the working environment and advance.

Components of performance appraisal template

When creating an employee performance appraisal template, the following sections must be included;

- A rating rubric

Draft the key objectives of an employee's responsibility and divide them into categories. Rate how the employees are meeting the objectives. The best rating is the 5-start/ point rating scale. The common points are;

4-Very Good

- Employees achievements

The achievements that an employee meets within a specific period are documented in a new appraisal template to indicate projects that the employee performed excellently and which the employee performed fairly well.

- Improvements since the last review

Since the last review, note what the employee has improved and where has not improved. Note the actions taken to meet the improvements and brainstorm potential actions that can improve weak areas.

- Employees professional goals

With the help of a manager or human resource manager, the employees should set new professional goals for the next review period. The professional goals should be set under SMART criteria.

- Employees comments

This section is set for employees to express their opinions in writing. They explain why they find it difficult to accomplish company goals, challenges faced when executing their duties, what they enjoy about the company, and areas the company should improve to provide a conducive working environment.

Importance of performance appraisal template

- Source of morale
Performance appraisal boosts employees' motivation to work. They feel more appreciated when the employer follows up on their career development. The company's goals are met without the employer spending much time and resources.

- Competitive tool
When employees know their abilities, they share them with colleagues, and less-performing employees become jealous. Instead of giving up, they put their foot forward to be recognized by the company. When employees compete to be recognized as the most developing in their career, the employer benefits from the quality output.

- Evaluation tool
Performance appraisal identifies weak and strong areas. The employer can figure out areas that need improvements. The performance appraisal template gives a platform for self-assessment and development. When the company needs to transfer or promote employees, they use the performance appraisal to select improved employees with managerial experience.

- Helps in training
Performance Appraisal identifies weak areas where employees find it hard to execute duties. Employers and the human resources manager can use the data to organize training programs for the affected employees. Employees are sorted according to the level of competency for easy training.

- Source of data when the company needs to retain employees
Existing employees, when treated well, work for the company till retirement. When new employees are hired, they are given the existing employees' performance appraisal templates and decide whether to plan for the long-term. If the current employees are happy with the company, new hires will be.

- Feedback
Employees are able to know their abilities through the appraisal. Also, employers benefit from the appraisal when they give employees appraisal forms to fill out about how they feel about them.

Bottom line
Employees evaluations must adhere to all employees because it's a tool for improving employees' skills, efficiency, and effectiveness. A performance appraisal template is essential to both the employer and employees. Employees know how they are improving in their skills while the employer can predict the company's future.

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