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Manual Handling Training Video

This video covers the different elements of Manual Handling in the workplace.

What is manual handling, how to identify it, what to do, how to avoid injury and what procedures to follow.

Our Manual Handling in the workplace video is a perfect training video for organisations of all types especially where workers are involved in manual handling tasks.

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This video goes over what are manual tasks, correct lifting procedure, heavy, uneven, bulky items and incorrect lifting and handling and how these are a common form of personal injury.

Topics in this Manual Handling Video

- Manual Handling - Simple Steps - Safe Lifting Technique
- Simple rules involving Lifting operations
- Guideline Weights for Lifting and Lowering
- Risk Factors associated with Manual Task Injuries

How does performing Manual Tasks result in Injury

Most jobs require several types of manual tasks to be performed. However, not all manual tasks are hazardous. The most common health problems that can arise from manual tasks that are hazardous are musculoskeletal disorders (such as sprains and strains, disc injuries and tendonitis) and hernias.

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