Online Induction >> What is an Online Induction?

What is an Online Induction?

An Online Induction is a process and workflow for managing initial and continued engagement a contractor, employee or visitor into the workplace. It covers a range of areas such as collecting required materials from that worker such as evidence of training, certifications, HR new starter information, emergency contacts or insurances. Presenting important workplace content to them such as safety materials, policies and procedures and assessing their understanding of them. It includes acknowledgement of check lists and issuing an induction card or certificate for acknowledgement of compliance.

An induction is usually repeated year on year in order to make sure the worker remains up to date on changes in the workplace especially around policies and procedures or new safety measures to be aware of. It is a common process for safety managers, HR managers and facility managers who all engage and manage contractors, employees and visitors who work on a site or workplace. Putting this workflow online enables workers to complete the induction before they arrive and start working in the workplace.

An induction process is a critical part of engaging workers and continued engagement of them in the workplace. It can ensure compliance, is the first entry point into understanding the organisations policies and procedures, establishing workplace culture, raising safety awareness, reducing risk for employers and achieving acknowledgement for safety and HR materials as well as collecting and keeping on top of insurances and certifications that are needed for engaging that worker.

An induction might be undertaken as soon as someone has been advised they got the job and when their start date is. Or it might be upon behind issued a work order to conduct work as a contractor and then also getting all your contractor staff or subcontractors to be inducted too before they arrive on site to start working. A visitor might do a visitors induction before arriving on site for a meeting.

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