Online Induction >> Virtual Training Ideas

8 must Have Ideas for Virtual Training

Published 08/07/2021

Virtual training is an art form. It's the ideal learning solution for organizations with remote teams and businesses that recently shifted to remote working due to the pandemic. Great trainers usually engage the trainees, hold their attention, make them laugh, help them understand complex topics, and most significantly, they inspire everyone. However, it's pretty challenging to keep the learners motivated and engaged due to multiple distractions associated with remote learning (home-based).

This creates the need to be strategic when developing sound virtual training programs that effectively ensure efficient content delivery to staff.

Even if you're new to virtual training, you can make the training experience as enjoyable as possible with these eight awesome ideas:

1. Virtual brainstorming

Group brainstorming sessions tend to produce some of the most brilliant ideas. Since the learners can't meet physically, they can virtually brainstorm on social media platforms, project management online tools, and eLearning forums. Assign your learners with challenges or topics and let them choose where they will handle the topics.

2. Offer short and different modes of training content.

Consider mixing up the training materials to keep the learners on their toes. The content can be delivered in multiple forms, including videos, slides, short essays, quizzes, and musical interludes. It's also essential to ensure you deliver bite-sized content to the learners for easier understanding. Whether a video or slide, limit it to less than 90 minutes with breaks in between.

3. Use branching scenarios

Generally, branching scenarios allow the learners to apply their knowledge in a real situation. This is a creative training strategy where the participants are offered a problem to solve or a task to do with multiple options. Use realistic sounds, images, and settings for advanced learner immersion. Branching scenarios are best applicable in diagnosing mechanical issues and dealing with customer service issues as a group.

4. Use video conferencing debates.

There are multiple video conferencing tools that you can use. In these debates, online learners can discover different viewpoints and explore their perspectives. For instance, you can request the learners to form small groups, give them a topic, and then plan a Google Hangouts debate. This gives every participant a chance to defend their position and share experiences.

5. Create polls

Polls are usually created to quiz the learners' knowledge and understanding of a particular subject matter. They are an excellent method of keeping your learners involved and ensuring they give immediate feedback. Additionally, it's also a way of measuring engagement and creating competitions. For instance, create contests and award points for the correct responses, and the learner/team with high points wins a virtual prize at the end, such as an Amazon gift card.

6. Q&A eLearning blogs

You can set up a live eLearning blog where the learners can meet and share their experiences. Questions keep online learners actively engaged in lively discussions. To get them effectively onboard, pose thought-provoking questions during the training sessions and invite them to respond. Also, you can encourage the learners to create personal eLearning blogs and share them with the rest of the group. Thus, they can explore ideas, discuss important topics and get feedback.

7. Adopt gamified learning

Lack of personal interaction in virtual learning is a significant issue that leads to decreased motivation. Gamifying lesson content related to work information is one way to boost online learner engagement. The regular learning materials are transformed into games such as drag and drop, puzzles, etc. This makes training cheerful and also enhances their learning productivity.

8. Deliver the training content with mobile devices

Virtual training on mobile devices allows the learners to take their courses at their own pace anywhere at any time. This typically gives the learners flexibility on getting access to the training content and gaining full control of the training process. Mobile learning solutions can be leveraged for virtual training by integrating features like push notifications to alert the learners of upcoming lessons and attendance time.

Thanks to the ongoing technological advancement as training can still be done even during the coronavirus pandemic. Since training is an essential part of every organization, many companies are now switching to virtual training platforms to ensure continuity in learning for staff and enhance organizational growth. Multiple online courses are available which can help all the stakeholders of your organization to develop either personally or professionally.

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