Online Induction Software

Creating the best Online Inductions


Online Induction Software

Contractor, Employee or Visitor Online Inductions
An Online Induction is the first step for engaging new contractors, employees, suppliers and visitors working with an organisation or workplace. It is also an ongoing annual compliance process for ensuring the workforce remains compliant and up to date across areas such as HR and Safety (What is an Online Induction?). - Home for everything Inductions offers an online induction system for delivering inductions online to employees, contractors or visitors with comprehensive contractor management software through to visitor sign in and employee induction management modules. Our Online Induction software is world-renowned and used by over 3,000,000 users across the planet.

Align with the leading online induction software that allows you to entirely personalise to what you want! Don't change your needs to suit the system! One size doesn't fit all. With the support of our induction experts, we can help you deliver high impact engaging and interactive inductions, not just static slides, for delivering the best online induction program.

Australian made online induction software and used by the largest companies, most renowned names - Large and Small all over the world for our comprehensive contractor management system, employee induction, contractor induction and visitor sign in induction, safety induction, our induction checklist creator and site inductions.

Global organisations induct with us and from every industry
Used by top listed companies, leading private companies, small and medium business and federal and state government departments, see why so many are improving the induction of contractors, visitors and employees with

Popular Tools:

Create an Online Induction For Your Organisation, Site or Project

Online Induction System for Contractors & Staff

You can create and deliver your site inductions in an online format and dramatically speed up the delivery of your induction by deploying it over the internet. Create a best practice induction programme for any role type, site or project.

Decrease your costs in delivering inductions and increases staff productivity by eliminating repetitive tasks and face to face inductions.

Have full control to create, edit and delete induction content and deliver your induction process however you want.

Contractor & Staff Online Induction Training

Provide your safety inductions for employees, contractors and visitors before they arrive on site with a dedicated online induction portal where you can load all your Occ Health and Safety material, induction courses and tests, hazard registries, incident report forms, conduct contractor surveys, online staff training and much more.

Use advanced supplier prequalification and contractor management software for full assessment of your contractors compliance and work history as well as supplier performance, supplier management and reinduction through our Online Induction Software. Create an induction pack or use our templates.

Visitor Online Inductions

Ensure all visitors have completed a workplace induction before they arrive. Set up Online Inductions for understanding the emergency assembly area, collecting next of kin emergency contact details and go through important policies and procedures. Sign visitors and in out on site with a visitor sign in system and ensure only inducted visitors are on site capturing next of kin information through to issuing a visitor sticker. Record site attendance, setup visitor notifications, via an app on mobile or tablet.

Common FAQ Induction Topics

What is a Safety Induction | What is a Site Induction | What is an Online Induction | What is an Orientation | What is contractor management | What is a Corporate Induction | What is Visitor Management? | What is an Induction Checklist | What is a Workplace Induction
Get more answers >>
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  • Easy to setup and create inductions for contractors, employees, suppliers and visitors
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